Home 9 Defective Drugs 9 Actemra

The Harm Caused By Actemra

The medication Actemra has been prescribed to patients suffering from arthritis in order to treat inflammation caused by the disease. Since its release, Actemra has been linked to hundreds of deaths of patients, as well as serious adverse side effects, with no warnings given to patients regarding these potential consequences.

Drug manufacturers that have failed to make life-threatening side effects known should be held accountable for the harm caused to patients. Attorney Paul Dominguez is dedicated to protecting the rights of groups affected by Actemra through mass tort cases. If you or someone you love has suffered a side effect due to the use of Actemra, you should consult a knowledgeable lawyer to seek damages from the manufacturer.

Side Effects Experienced By Actemra Patients

Actemra is an injectable medication used to alleviate chronic inflammation in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or giant cell arteritis. Genentech, part of the Roche Group, manufactured and marketed the drug, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in 2010. Following its release onto the market, studies reported the deaths of over 1,000 Actemra patients, with more than 13,000 experiencing adverse side effects not included in the warning labels of the medication.

Of those patients who passed away, hundreds were found to have died of heart failure. Other severe side effects include:

  • Stroke
  • Pancreatitis
  • Interstitial lung disease
  • Infections

Take Legal Action Based On Lack Of Warnings On Labels

The FDA received notice of 258 reports of pancreatitis, as well as almost 200 reports of interstitial lung disease, in clinical trial patients being treated with Actemra. Given these findings, the FDA recommended that Genentech include these side effects as potential risks on its product labels. Genentech argued against this inclusion, stating that the evidence was insufficient to support these warnings, and they were not added to the label. Actemra also does not include a warning indicating a patient’s “increased potential for cardiovascular risks,” as some competing medications in the market, like Enbrel, Humira and Remicade, do.

Drug manufacturers have a duty to make sure that the medications that they release are safe for patients, as well as list any known risks so medical professionals and patients can make informed decisions about their use.

If you have suffered a serious side effect, such as a heart attack, stroke or pancreatitis, after taking Actemra, you may be able to pursue legal action against the parties responsible for your injuries. If a loved one has died as a result of complications related to Actemra use, certain family members may be entitled to compensation in a wrongful death action.

Discuss Your Claim With A Lawyer

Pursuing legal action against a major drug manufacturer requires significant resources and knowledge to ensure that victims’ rights are asserted properly. Dominguez Law can assist clients in all aspects of their legal journey.

Call us today at 505-850-5854 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation. We are in the Los Ranchos and Albuquerque area. We take national cases from New Mexico residents.

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