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Truck Accident Lawyer in Santa Fe

A Brief Summary of the Following Page

  • Potentially liable parties: Depending on your specific circumstances, liable parties may include the truck driver, employer, manufacturer, loading crew, property owners, government agencies, or other drivers.
  • Available damages: Injuries from a truck accident can have a physical, mental, and financial impact on your life, so you may recover damages like medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.
  • Comparative negligence: if you are partially liable for a truck accident, you may still recover damages, as New Mexico uses a pure comparative negligence system.
  • How a lawyer can help: Dominguez Law provides comprehensive legal services, including evidence gathering, witness interviews, and negotiations with insurance companies, ensuring clients file their claims within New Mexico’s three-year statute of limitations.
  • To schedule a free consultation today, call us at (505) 850-5854 or fill out our contact form.

When driving on Santa Fe roads, drivers have to share the road with trucks, which have had a greater presence in recent years due to the rise of e-commerce. While these large vehicles and their drivers are essential, they can be dangerous and cause serious injuries when involved in an accident. If you have been hurt in a truck accident due to someone else’s negligence, our reputable Santa Fe truck accident lawyers at Dominguez Law are here to help you seek justice and receive financial compensation.

Our compassionate and aggressive truck accident lawyers in Santa Fe understand the difficulties you may face after a truck accident, so we use our extensive experience and knowledge to handle every aspect of your claim. We work with you from the beginning, taking the time to understand your unique needs and circumstances. With your best interests in mind, we approach your claim with personalized service and professionalism, allowing you to focus on recovery with the peace of mind that your claim is in the right hands. 

Who May Be Liable for a Santa Fe Truck Accident?

Truck accidents often happen quickly, making it challenging to know whose negligence caused the collision. While you may assume the truck driver is always responsible, this is not always true. Depending on your unique circumstances, one or more of the following parties may be liable for the accident:

  • Truck driver: If the truck driver drove recklessly, under the influence, or ignored traffic laws, they may be liable for your injuries.
  • Employer: The truck driver’s employer may be responsible for the accident if they overworked the driver, failed to maintain the vehicles, or the driver was on the clock when the accident occurred.
  • Manufacturer: If a defective part caused a truck accident, the manufacturer may be held accountable.
  • Loading crew: Loading crews are responsible for loading cargo into trucks properly so the vehicle does not flip or swing. If they fail to do this, they may be liable for an accident.
  • Property owner or government agency: A property owner or government agency may be responsible for a truck accident if they did not maintain their roads or clear debris to keep conditions safe.
  • Another driver: The driver of another vehicle could be liable if they swerved or pulled out in front of the truck driver, causing them to brake quickly or swerve into other cars.

Once we have identified the at-fault party, we will gather and analyze evidence, like medical records, maintenance records, and police reports, to prove their negligence directly caused the accident and your injuries.

What Damages Are Available After a Truck Accident in New Mexico?

Injuries from a truck accident are often more serious than a car accident due to the size of the vehicles involved. This often makes truck accident claims higher in value. Our knowledgeable Santa Fe truck accident lawyers can help calculate your claim’s value, which may include the costs for the following:

  • Past, present, and future medical bills
  • Lost wages for missed work
  • Property damage
  • Ambulance ride
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Reduced quality of life 

When filing a New Mexico truck accident, you may still recover damages thanks to the state’s pure comparative negligence system. This means each party involved in the crash receives a percentage of fault, which gets deducted from their respective damages. For instance, if you are 10% responsible for the collision, your damages get reduced by 10%. Unfortunately, insurance adjusters may attempt to place an unfair portion of the blame on you, but with our aggressive representation, you have the best chance of securing the compensation you deserve.

Why Hire a Lawyer for Your Santa Fe Truck Accident Claim?

The aftermath of a truck accident can be overwhelming, but with the help of our seasoned Santa Fe truck accident lawyers at Dominguez Law, you do not have to go through it alone. We have the experience, skill, and knowledge to fearlessly manage your claim and fight for your rights. Our unmatched legal services allow you to focus on recovery while we handle the following:

  • Thoroughly investigating the accident
  • Gathering and reviewing evidence
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Answering your legal questions
  • Utilizing valuable resources like accident reconstructionists and traffic analysts to strengthen your claim
  • Filing your claim properly
  • Negotiating with insurance adjusters on your behalf
  • Taking your claim to court if necessary

After a truck accident, contacting legal help quickly is crucial due to New Mexico’s three-year statute of limitations. While this may seem like plenty of time, recovery and the complex nature of the process can make it difficult to meet this deadline on your own. We work efficiently to ensure you file your claim on time so that you can receive compensation as quickly as possible.

Injured in a Santa Fe Truck Accident? Contact the Skilled Lawyers at Dominguez Law to Seek Justice

Whether you are driving on back roads or major highways, you trust that other drivers around you care for your safety and follow traffic laws. When truck drivers breach this trust and cause an accident, the consequences can be severe. If this is the case for you, do not hesitate to contact the Spanish-speaking attorneys at Dominguez Law

Our passionate Santa Fe truck accident lawyers have proudly provided exceptional services to Santa Fe residents for years, and we are completely committed to helping you make a full, smooth recovery and securing fair compensation. To schedule a free consultation today, call us at (505) 850-5854 or fill out our contact form.